Meet the Kingdom Visionary


The Great Commission “Saving Souls”

MCI Global International Lead Senior Pastor Humble Arthur

MCI Global International Lead Senior Pastor Humble Arthur is a steward under the supreme leadership of the Holy Ghost and fully submitted to the divine doctrine of the Trinity. He has been called and ordained to take the Gospel to the unsaved. Being a licensed minister, he’s a pastor, humanitarian, international speaker, president, and founder of ministry-Connect Int’l and also the CEO of Humble Arthur ministries. He is a graduate of Christ the Redeemer’s School of Disciple (SOD), Muskegon Bible Institute- USA, Kingdom Apostolic School of ministry-Bahamas, International Bible Training Center (For His glory to the nation Bible Training College), and he was also awarded a certificate of Recognition from Kingdom Apostolic Ministries Int’l for his efforts rescuing the poor in various communities from dying of starvation and for his commitment in the faith community. His compassionate heart for the Orphans, Widows, Homeless, and those living in perpetual poverty. The Lord has prompted him to focus his Ministry on the Rural Areas where people are suffering and living in perpetual poverty: No food, no clothing, no shelter, and no Education. MCI Global International Lead Senior Pastor Humble Arthur has been serving faithfully in Evangelistic Outreach and Humanitarian services in the Rural Areas; where he does preach and practicalize the love of Jesus Christ through word and deed. He works diligently to ensure all his personal resources are aligned with the cause of helping the poor in their various locations of living. These works of faith have helped him to win more saved souls to the Kingdom and many lives have been Enhanced all to the glory of God.

MCI Global International Lead Senior Pastor Humble Arthur just doesn’t tell people about the Word of GOD. He serves to proclaim the GOSPEL of JESUS CHRIST and communicate CHRIST’s message of salvation to all who are disadvantaged and poor worldwide. God has given him the message of LOVE (I CORINTHIANS 13) and he desires to be faithful to every word that God has given unto him by “Serving the Lord with gladness” PSALM 100:2.  He is submitted to the effectiveness of the Gospel of JESUS CHRIST. He stands on: ‘Transforming and transitioning souls into the Kingdom of GOD”.